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Welcome to inkscroll

Hello there!

The first thing to do is to sign up to our service to access all its features. Once you’ve created an account and verified your email, you can then thank someone, store job application information, manage your moments, save your preferences and accept team invitations.

Sign up for free

To create a new Personal (free) account, go to the Sign Up page:

  1. Enter your email address
  2. Your name (this can be changed at any time)
  3. Choose a username (must be unique)
  4. Enter in a password
  5. Click on Get Started

In order to have full access you will need to verify your new account so check your email inbox for a verification email. Once you have verified your account, you will have access to all free plan features.

Where to start?

On successful sign up once you’ve verified your account, you can choose from the available onboarding options or skip the onboarding process entirely. If you abandon the onboarding process at any point and come back to it later, the System will ask if you want to continue or skip it.

Add a profile pic

Once you’ve verified your email address, update your profile to add a description, profile image and check your name. You can also add your values and details on what makes you, well, you at work! we call this your work persona.

And then?

You can then start building your biography. Add your talents and traits; language skills, certificates that you have along with your food preferences to help others remember what your food likes and dislikes are (super useful for lunch invites or edible presents!).

And if you happen to be job hunting, you can use us to store your job applications as well as share job vacancy information with others. Pay it forward as this could save someone else time or heartbreak that was looking at the same vacancy.


This is where you can view the thank you messages that you’ve sent, received and imported. You can take action by adding an emoji reaction to a Moment or tag your received Moments.

Thank someone now

Think of a recent situation and show your appreciation for someone right now by sending them a thank you message.

Add a past moment

If you received a lovely kudos message or have a photo of it, add it to inkscroll as a Moment.

Organise your received Moments into Memories

Review your inbox and empty it out by organising all your Moments into Memories by selecting one or more Memory tags.

What else?

You can add your highlights from your CV/resume into the Career section.

And if you have your personality profiling reports (Belbin, MBTI, SDI, FIRO-B) you can store the results as part of your profile so people can get to know you at work and understand you better to better tap into your talents. These Insights are shared in your Teams (under the Talents section) and super handy for your teammates, manager, mentors and coaches.

Updated on August 7, 2023

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