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Our Qualify to Apply Service


We make the talent acquisition process for both the Hiring Company and the Jobseeker more transparent at the Application stage. We achieve this by reducing uncertainty and turnaround time by improving the accuracy of matching a vacancy to potential candidates.

For the Company, we provide a way where ‘must have’ requirements are checked upfront so its all about setting the bar for quality instead of volumes of applications.

For the Jobseeker, we help them spend time on vacancies that they are better suited to and provide visibility of when their application was reviewed.

By helping both parties be clearer in their wants and needs upfront, it saves everyone time and avoids disappointment later on in the talent acquisition process.


How it works

It’s three easy steps for each!

Hiring Company
  1. Post the vacancy with ‘must have’ minimum requirements details on inkscroll
  2. Update your ATS application form to tell the applicant how to generate their iQualify code (we give you the text to paste in)
  3. Periodically review the vacancy’s Qualified Applicants List
  1. Create a free account on inkscroll, populate your scroll, add statements about your career and recent roles
  2. When viewing an interested vacancy, where applicable, click on the ‘Submit your eligibility’ button to start the check
  3. If qualified, include your iQualify code as part of your application submission


Is this a chargeable service?

Yes, this is paid for by the Company. It’s free for the Jobseeker to use.

As the Company, do I have to do all the steps mentioned above?

We will be happy to carry out the first step for you and post the vacancy with its minimum requirement details.

As a Jobseeker, do I have to do all the steps mentioned above?

When the Employer mandates it as part of completing their application, yes. Otherwise, it’s useful for you to see how strong an applicant you would be if you were to take the next step and apply.

Updated on August 14, 2024

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